What you need to know for keeping ex-commercial laying poultry

Nothing feels better than being able to offer a free range home to ex commercial hens, there are, however, some health issues these birds can be a little more prone to, especially if not fed right.


Chicken “Snuffles” aka respiratory disease

Respiratory disease often presents itself with one or more birds sneezing / snicking, or wheezing / coughing. These birds can have a runny nose and foamy running eyes.


Egg binding in poultry/birds

Egg binding is the condition where an egg gets stuck in the oviduct or the entrance to the cloaca. There can be a number of causes that can increase the risk of this happening. It’s important to realise this is a medical emergency.


Chicken Reproductive System

Anyone interested in raising chickens for eggs, whether for eating or incubation, an understanding of the female avian reproductive system is essential for recognising problems that may occur and taking action to correct them.


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Poultry lice

Poultry lice are wingless, straw-colored insects that feed on dry skin scales, scabs, oil gland secretions and feathers. 


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Red mites

Red mites ​(Dermanyssus gallinae) ​are blood-feeding ectoparasites that live in small cracks inside poultry houses, coming out at night for a blood-feed from chickens and turkeys during the warmer months. 


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Jose Doo

Small Animal Veterinarian

Jose Graduated from Massey University in 2009, she then moved to Australia for her first plunge into veterinary medicine which included tending to the exotics at a local wildlife park, this experience gave her a broad start, and encouraged her to become more interested in avian medicine especially poultry.

Returning to NZ in 2011, Jose has remained passionate about poultry and has raised and breed a number of heritage breed chickens, and now also embarked on Pheasants.

Jose is available for consultation by appointment. Please contact the Rangiora branch directly on 03: 313 7438 to arrange.