Clinical Care Manager / Small Animal Veterinarian
Sophie was born in the UK and is very proud of her Scottish heritage! She came to RVC in 2002 as a vet student, graduated from the Royal Veterinary College (London) in 2004, and has lived in NZ ever since.
Her special veterinary interests lie in general practice, consultation skills, communication and radiology (x-rays). She is studying towards her Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice in Small Animal Veterinary Primary Care, through the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, UK. After 16 years in practice, Sophie has held several roles at RVC and is now our Clinical Care Manager.
This is a diverse role meaning she works very closely with the clinical teams to try and ensure our patient care and client experience are meeting the high standards we have set for ourselves. This involves many things including talking to clients about their feedback, helping to deliver and provide training opportunities, case reviews, writing and ensuring internal and external guidelines and procedures are followed, managing the radiation safety aspect of the business, safeguarding passing our external radiation safety and Best Practice Hospital standards audits and ensuring we are applying the most up-to-date evidence to our patient care.
She lives in Loburn with her fiance Matt, her beloved cat “Smooch” (“Peach” to his friends!), two horses and some cattle. Outside the clinic she is a keen horse enthusiast and closet musician! She loves working with the vibrant, talented and dedicated team here at the RVC.