Jackson Rhodes, was brought to Rangiora Vet Centre needing some urgent and very specific care.
His story is one that no owner wants to find themselves in, or wants their loved family pet to go through. It began in August when Jackson found himself a nice place to curl up and nap. Unfortunately the place he picked turned out to be the bottom of the neighbours bonfire pile.
Sadly in this moment, timing was not on Jackson's side, and they lit the pile without knowing he was sleeping there, fortunately Jackson managed to escape and ran for home!
Jackson's mum and dad were away, but luckily, timing was now on his side, as their son had popped in to feed the cats, seeing Jackson at the door, he immediately rushed to the vet.
Jackson went through a number of procedures, he suffered bad burns to all four feet, ears, nose, lower lip and eyes. He needed surgeries on his ears and constant bandage care for his feet. He had a feeding tube placed so he could receive the nutrients he needed to recover. He was the most spectacular patient, he never complained at the constant stream of Vets and Nurses, he really was PAWSOME!
With the phenomenal support from his owners and the team at RVC, he made a full recovery. The road was long, John and Lindsey have done an amazing job caring for Jackson. They never gave up hope, and showed a level of commitment that deserves extra special praise.
Feel good fuzzies
In late November Jackson came back to visit us to be awarded his Pawsome Pet Certificate and some treats. Seeing him back to his normal self, with his full length gorgeous whiskers makes us full of happiness and feel good fuzzies!