Feeding regime tips for Drying Off
Tips on the best way to dry off
It needs to be abrupt!
Do not confuse the cow! She does not know what you are planning.
Milking cows should be fed like milking cows while in milk – DO NOT initiate condition score loss. If you cut back feed to reduce production the cow will use body muscle protein. To stop and reverse this process it take 3 WEEKS!
Also if feed is decreased the immune function is depressed. This increases the risk of mastitis.
Aim to cease milk production without impeding health or condition.
No need for complicated systems of reducing feed and production – not in cows best interest.
Signals to the cow to stop making milk
Change in routine – TAD to OAD (only for 1 or 2 days otherwise it becomes the new normal! Want a change). Already on OAD – just change diet and milking time for last day.
Milk pressure in the udder – don’t milk out completely at the last milking.
Removal of “milk stimulating” protein in the diet e.g. no fresh grass (or other quality protein) for 1-2 days before the last milking. Replace with ad lib hay, straw or very mature silage. Can go back to yesterday’s paddock.
Keep cows full and content.
Go backwards on your round for 1-2 days before dry off and 3 days after dry off. Give lots of hay/straw/baleage. Rather than giving them a small break of fresh pasture. Small break = no space = depressed immune function.
What to feed…
Keep high energy carbohydrate feeds such as maize silage or grain at milking cow levels until after the last milking.
Remove high protein feeds before last milking – (such as fresh grass/lucerne/DGG).
Replace with hay or straw or low protein fibrous mature silage.
Dry cow therapy...
Dry cow therapy treatment should be done as a separate job and NOT during milking.
Bring cows back to the shed to a clean shed and fresh staff.
Coming back to the shed at a short interval and odd time helps to annoy and dry off the cows.
Over the next 4-7 days after the last milking change feed and minerals from milking cow to dry cow regime.