Lost and Found Pets
It is impossible to keep track of pets every minute of the day, especially our feline friends who are inclined to wander and explore outside the boundaries of their own home. As a caring pet owner you’ll know what a worry losing your beloved pet can be.
Social Media has a wide reach
LOST AND FOUND PETS RANGIORA AND SURROUNDING TOWNS is run by a team of volunteers, and is primarily set up for people who have lost, and or, found pets on the Rangiora side of the Waimak only. This particular social media site is well monitored and has resulted in many happy endings for pet parents.
We also advise you pop a picture of your pet, and relevant information up on any other neighbourhood facebook sites you belong too, especially specific to your location, where other neighbours might recognise your pet instantly.
If your pet is missing, along with the above advice regarding Social Media, contact Waimakariri District Council Animal Control and provide them with a good description of your pet, microchip number if it has one, registration details and the area in which it strayed. Phone Animal Control at the Council on: 03 311 8900. If your dog is wearing its registration tag or has been microchipped and is found by someone, it can easily be identified and returned to you.
We also recommend you contact the bordering Councils in-case someone has found your pet wandering on the outskirts of town, or they have picked it up on their way to work outside the district, they may take the animal with them and leave it at another facility outside our region. Hurunui District Council 03 314 8816. Christchurch City Council 03 941 8999.
Alternatively you can let us know at the clinic that your pet is lost. We can note it in our lost and found book.
A dog that appears to be stray may, in fact, be missing or stolen from its home. If you have found an animal, along with the above advice regarding Social Media, or if a dog has been hanging around your area and you suspect it is a stray, you can contact Waimakariri District Council Animal Control on 03 311 8900.
Alternatively you can let us know at the clinic what you have found, we can note it in our lost and found book, we may even be able to re-unite it with its’ owners straight away if they have let us know it is missing.
We may advise you to bring it in and we can scan it for a microchip, if there is one we will be able to quickly let you know who the owner is and how you can contact them.
help your cat find home
Some people have had success with luring their beloved cat back home, or out of hiding, by taking advantage of their strong sense of smell. Leaving out items such as favourite toys and bedding, or hanging unwashed clothing covered in your scent on the clothesline.
One important simple thing to do is to remember to check your cat flap is open, so if they do return home, they have no problem getting back inside.
It is not advised to leave out litter, or strong smelling food, as this may only attract predators or other cats, which may frighten you cat away.
microchip & nzcar
Far too frequently we come across microchipped pets, but the chip is not registered with New Zealand Companion Animal Register (NZCAR), thus reunion is difficult. It is very disheartening when injured pets are presented at vets who need their owners immediate love and attention, and owners cannot be found in time.
If your dog is wearing their council registration tags, then making contact with the local council can help with reunion. However cats do not have council tags, these are the loved little pets, that, due to their wandering nature, are most likely to slip through the cracks and registration with NZCAR is of great benefit too.