Getting a Cow Pregnant
Like humans cows have a gestation period of around 9 months. This means if you want your cows to calve around September/October time you should be getting them in calf at around November/December. 23 November mating works out to be late August/early September.
Tube Feeding Calves
Newborn calves that do not take the teat, don't consume at least 10% bodyweight in liquid or are too weal and unable to suckle need to be tube fed to ensure they have a healthy start to life.
Are you taking on calves?
Here’s a few tips to help keep them healthy.
Calf Vaccination
Learn best practice times to vaccinate your calves to give them the best protection from Clostridia.
Calf Debudding
What’s the importance of debudding? No horns mean a much lower chance of injuries to other cows and more importantly you! Learn more about how we debud calves.
Calf Drenching
Treatment for worms is not just for now, but an investment for future weight gains and production. To ensure that we can use the drenches we now use for years to come we must make sure the worms on farm remain susceptible.
Calf Scours - Stopping an Outbreak
Learn twelve tips to prevent a scours outbreak on your property and treatment to hasten the recovery of existing cases.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency
Thiamine is used in the carbohydrate metabolism pathway in ruminants. It plays a critical role in supplying energy to various organs in the body, specifically the brain.
Spring Diseases To Watch Out For In Cattle
During Spring there are many changes occurring, both in animals and the environment. Find out more information in this article to be properly prepared for the spring season.
Liver Biopsy in Cattle
A liver biopsy extracts a small amount of a cow’s liver tissue and is used for pro-active health monitoring of the herd. What happens during a liver biopsy? This article shows the procedure step-by-step with our Large Animal Vet John Spearpoint.
Lameness is pain by definition, it is always better to get on top of lameness early!
Coughing Cattle
If you have animals on pasture coughing you should be suspicious of lungworm. Mobs of young calves can be severely affected due to reduced immunity and exposure to high larval loads on pasture.
Eyes - Let’s take a closer look!
There are several common conditions affecting eyes that cause pain and distress and therefore pose serious welfare issues. But many of these can be easily treated if picked up early.
How many cows can I graze on my property?
A simple way to approximate a good stocking rate is by calculating the livestock units (LSU) for your animals on farm. We have put together this article to help you approximate your stocking rate.
Acorn Toxicity
Poisoning by tannins and volatile phenols in plants of the Oak is relatively common. Ingestion of acorns is the most common cause, but ingestion of leaves and young shoots can also cause toxicity.