Electro - acupuncture for head shakers in horses
‘Head shaking’ is a well-recognised and frustrating condition for horse owners and their veterinarians alike. This condition causes involuntary vertical flicking of the head, usually when ridden but can be more severe causing them to be distracted even when resting in the paddock or eating.
There are many potential reasons your horse may develop head-shaking, but one common cause is pain associated with the trigeminal nerve which is the nerve that is responsible for sensation in the nasal cavity. If this is determined to be the cause following a veterinary diagnosis, it is termed ‘trigeminal neuralgia’.
Many treatment and management options have been used in attempt to alleviate the severity of this condition. Electroacupuncture has gained recent favour in the veterinary profession as a treatment modality to help manage the symptoms.
At RVC we use Electroacupuncture to treat horses that have suspected trigeminal neuralgia. Electroacupuncture regulates the neural function of the trigeminal nerve, thereby reducing over stimulus and pain associated with the nerve. Small acupuncture needles are placed adjacent to the infra-orbital nerves. The Electroacupuncture machine and the current is applied to the needles.
The treatment period lasts 20-25 minutes and is conducted under light sedation. We recommend doing an Electroacupuncture session every week for 3-5 treatments, depending on the horse’s response. Follow up treatments may be required if clinical signs recur.
If your horse shows signs of head shaking, please contact the clinic to arrange a veterinary consultation to determine if Electroacupuncture is a treatment option.
The treatment period is conducted under light sedation
Jack benefiting from Electroacupuncture treatment.